On Wednesday, actress Mouni Roy turned 37. (September 28). The diva celebrated her birthday in Mumbai with her husband Suraj Nambiar. It was her first birthday following her wedding. The couple, who wed on January 27 in Goa, celebrated their close friends’ birthdays by throwing a party.
Mouni, a true fashionista, impressed us with her birthday splendour. She slid into a miniskirt with no straps. Suraj also praised her for wearing a white T-shirt. The pair also posed for photographers outside the party location, where a large number of celebrities were in attendance.
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Mouni and Suraj chose the twinning approach, and they nailed it with ease. The birthday girl adopted a high-on-glam style, while her husband wore his best casual attire. Mouni chose a striking and seductive white dress. She donned a strapless minidress with a bodice that was reminiscent of a corset. The dress was undoubtedly the ideal choice to embody glam diva emotions because it was covered with sparkling embellishments and pearl elements.
Her clothes’ bodycon silhouettes highlighted her toned form and increased the oomph factor. She only opted for a beautiful pair of pearl-encrusted heels to complete her ensemble.